Monday, September 8, 2008

How would things be different today if Martin Luther King Jr. had not been assassinated?

How would things be different today if St Martin Martin Luther King Jr. had not been assassinated?

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Africa: Have African Americans Lived the American Dream? -

Dr. Kwame Osei

April 4 2008 will tag the 40th day of remembrance of the homicide of the Afrikan-American civil rights leader Dr. St Martin Martin Luther King jnr.

At this important milepost in the history of the United States and Afrikan-Americans in peculiar given the current climate, it is appropriate to inquire whether after 40 old age since the homicide of the civil rights leader the quality of life for Afrikan-Americans have improved or gotten worse.

Master Teacher Hamet Meter Maulana and I will be dissecting this issue this approaching Lord'S Day 6th April at the Dubois Centre, Cantonments from 4pm.

Let us then analyze this inquiry closely using a critical analysis that usage the past, present and future to get at a balanced conclusion.

Many Ghanaians are not aware of the fact that the original people of the Americas were Afrikan/Black people and NOT redness Indians/Native Americans. These Afrikans were responsible for edifice some of the great civilisations and civilization of the Americas including the Olmec, Mayan and Inca civilizations.

However, the overpowering bulk of the current coevals of Afrikan-Americans are the posterity of Ghanaians (Akan, Ga, Dagbani, Ewe) who were stolen and taken to the Americas in what is often referred to as the Transatlantic Slave Trade.

Without going into the history of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, do to state that our ascendants were brutally tortured and stripped of their world during over 400 old age of free labor that built United States to the great powerfulness we see today.

However it was not until after the end of the American warfare of independency in which many of our ascendants fought and died for that the emancipation for Afrikan-Americans was delivered.

The likes of Frederick Douglas, Sojourner Truth and Harriet Harriet Tubman all contributed greatly to the abolishment of the transatlantic slave Trade by the United States in 1865 by President Abraham Abraham Lincoln who it is said had Afrikan blood in him.

Under enslavement, it was made illegal for Afrikan-Americans to read or write. However, despite this many great Afrikan-Americans such as as Granville Deoxythymidine Monophosphate Woods, Elijah McCoy, Saint George George American Capital Carver Washington, Loft Morgan, Joe Louis Latimer and Benzoin Banneker rose above this illegal nonsensicality and became innovators in scientific discipline and technology.

Between 1865 and 1964 Afrikan-Americans lived under terrible apartheid like statuses often referred to as Jim Crow laws where Afrikan-Americans were treated and viewed worse than animals.

The whole American society was separated on the footing of tegument colour with separate schools, restaurants, hospitals, churches, play-grounds etc for Whites and Blacks alike. Even graveyards were separated where Afrikan-Americans were not allowed to be buried in the same graveyard as White Person Person Person Person people.

Also during this time time period many Afrikan-American work force were chased by packs of White work force simply because they were Black and when they were caught they were tied to a tree with a snare on their cervixes and killed.

This became known as lynching and between 1865 and 1964 one thousands of Afrikan-American men were brutally lynched.

However, despite this cruel period, Afrikan-Americans were determined to better their quality of life and they cultivated a clime where there were able to develop sustainable communities and had their ain churches, schools, universities and businesses.

It was as a direct consequence of some of the terrible misdemeanors of human rights that Afrikan-Americans suffered under these Jim Crow laws that Afrikan-Americans like Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, St St St Martin Martin Martin Martin Luther King Junior and Benn Ammi amongst others began to stand up up to this inhumane treatment by empowering Afrikan-Americans with the belief that they were capable of doing for self.

Martin Luther King Junior was one of those who took up the mantle and became a advocate for alteration in American society.

Following the refusal of Genus Rosa Rosa Parks to give up her autobus place for a White man, Dr. King led a series of autobus boycotts that resulted in Afrikan-Americans being able to utilize the same buses as White people.

King also led a series of protestations and peaceful non-violent demonstrations across United States particularly in the Deep South to convey place to the bulk of Americans the dismaying unfairnesses that Afrikan-Americans were being subjected to.

Perhaps Martin Luther King Jnr's top deed was to animate more than than 250,000 Americans of all creeds, colours and spiritual beliefs to piece at the American Capital memorial where he delivered his celebrated 'I have got a dream' address in 1963 in which he outlined his vision for an United States based on equality, justness and racial tolerance.

It is the dogmas of this address with which to justice the present quality of life for Afrikan-Americans.

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Economic justice focus of King remembrances

(CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Edmund Hillary Clinton, challengers for the Democratic presidential nomination, focused on economical justness in addresses Friday marking the day of remembrance of the Rev. St Martin Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination.

Sen. Edmund Hillary Bill Bill Clinton waits to be introduced before her address on the day of remembrance of MLK Jr.'s assassination.

Clinton and the presumptive Republican nominee, Sen. Toilet McCain, spoke to audiences in Memphis, Tennessee, where King was killed 40 old age ago.

Obama, the Prairie State senator who trusts to go the first achromatic president, downplayed race in his address in Garrison Wayne, Indiana.

"Dr. King understood that the battle for economical justness and the battle for racial justness were really one -- that each was portion of a bigger battle 'for freedom, for self-respect and for humanity,' " said, pointing out that had been in Memphis, Tennessee, to back up dramatic sanitation workers when he was killed.

Obama noted an economical study released Friday said the American economic system lost 80,000 occupations last month.

"Just this morning, it was announced that more than Americans are unemployed now than at any clip in years," he said.

Obama was speaking to a racially amalgamated crowd of a few thousand at a political campaign town hallway meeting.

'The MLK assassination'

You've seen the images, you've heard the accounts. But that's not the whole story. Don't miss: "Eyewitness to Murder."
Saturday and Sunday, 8 p.m. ET on CNN

Before the speech, he said he was not concerned about how his absence from Memphis would be interpreted.

"I spoke at Dr. King's Christian church on his birthday. I was with the King household then. I obviously gave a fairly buttery address on the state of race dealings just two hebdomads ago. And I believe it's important to distribute the message that Dr. King's work is unfinished in topographic points like Hoosier State and North Dakota," he said.

spoke at George Mason Temple Church of Supreme Being in Christ, where King gave his celebrated "I have got been to the mountaintop" address the nighttime before he died.

She became visibly emotional as she remembered hearing King had been shot.

Like Obama, she emphasized economical justness in her remarks.

"I believe we should name a Cabinet-level place that volition be solely and fully devoted to ending poorness as we cognize it in America," she said, "a position that volition focusing our attending on the issue in this state and never allow it go." She said King's message was universal. Don't Miss

"When helium stood against discrimination, he was not just speaking for African-Americans he was seeking to interrupt the bonds of hate on the Black Maria of us all."

spoke in Memphis at a meeting of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, a organisation closely associated with King, and said he was incorrect to have got opposed a national vacation honoring the civil rights leader.

"We can be slow as well to give greatness its due, a error I made myself long ago when I voted against a federal vacation in memory of Dr. King. I was incorrect and eventually realized that," McCain said. He have expressed sorrow for his stance previously.

President Shrub issued a statement marking the anniversary.

"Forty old age ago today, United States was robbed of one of history's most consequential advocators for equality and civil rights," he said. "We have got made advancement on Dr. King's dream, yet the battle is not over. Ensuring freedom and equality for all Americans stays one of our most of import responsibilities."

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Friday, September 5, 2008

Winky Wright Calls Out Kelly Pavlik For A Boxing Fight

Winky Willard Huntington Wright this hebdomad called out the two belt human race title-holder of the center weight division in Emmett Kelly Pavlik. Pavlik yesterday said he would love to do this his adjacent fighting and already it is being planned. Emmett Kelly is a large puncher, where as Winky is technically very good and accurate and there contrasting styles will do this fighting great.

Reasons Why This Fight Volition Be High Quality:

1. Pavlik constantly travels forward and he will do Willard Huntington Wright continually struggle and bash his manner through twelve rounds.

2. Winky will seek to utilize his superior velocity to over come up Pavliks power, which will do things interesting.

3. Both combatants have got good mentums and it will likely travel twelve rounds.

4. Winky is coming off a loss to Hopkins, so he will have got other motive to beat out Pavlik.

5. If Pavlik wins he will most likely acquire a shot at fighting Chester A. Arthur Abraham which will be a fusion fight. Which will give Emmett Kelly other motive to win.

Even though many boxing fans did not see it, this fighting looks likely to travel ahead. In some other interesting news, Kellys last opposition looks put on fighting Antony Mundine as his adjacent fight. That fighting would likely be at a higher weight in the ace center weight division.

I would foretell that Pavlik will win this fighting by a stopping point decision, although Winky is such as a high social class combatant he have a good opportunity at picking Pavlik off and winning by determination as well. These two combatants are very evenly matched and it should be a antic fight.

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Multiculturalism and Racism Can Destroy Us

Culturism detests racism for many reasons. Horse Opera culturism is dedicated to economy of Horse Opera civilization. Racism is not only stupid, it is unsafe to Horse Opera Civilization. America, a cardinal pillar of Horse Opera civilization, is a multi-racial society. If we begin to split by race, we will be torn asunder. As our hero Ben John Hope Franklin said, "We must hang together or we will surely hang separately." That which splits us do us weaker. If we care about Horse Opera civilization, racialists must be confronted and stopped.

As people cannot alteration their race, discussing race cannot consequence in much. On the contrary, World War Two and our domestic history state us race consciousness can ensue in great evil. The very solid and necessary end of denouncing racism has, however, recently undermined our ability to discourse culture. Cultural diverseness is existent and very important. Not being able to discourse cultural diversity, for fearfulness of being attacked as a racist, endangers Western Civilization. To discourse cultural diverseness we necessitate to be clear that race and civilization are separate and distinct topics. Culturism functions to make it clear that treatments about civilization do not connote we are talking about racial or familial characteristics.

Not all civilizations are the same; diverseness exists. Mexicans driblet out of school at a higher charge per unit than whites. They also have got a higher charge per unit of out-of-wedlock pregnancy. No 1 denies these two statements of fact. But many would name those who advert them "racist." Calling the statements racist incapacitates our ability to discourse and trade with such as issues. We cannot make programmes to turn to disparities in accomplishment if we are afraid to discourse them. If race were the ground between the disparities, we would be hopeless. You, again, cannot alteration your race. But if we are clear that we are discussing civilization and civilization alone, we can have got fruitful discussions.

Multiculturalism states us that we must not justice cultures. To the contrary, it states us that we must observe all of them. In denying that cultural diverseness can include negative as well as positive attributes, multiculturalism also silences treatment on culture. Multiculturalism additional undermines conversation by confusing civilization and race. It states us that any attending to the negative facets of civilization are racist. By conflating civilization and race, multiculturalism too silences conversations about the existent impact and significance of cultural diversity.

Diversity must be taken into business relationship if we are to protect Western Civilization. Nations outside of the Occident are not hung up treatments of diversity. Saudi Arabian Arabian Peninsula makes not let non-Muslims to go citizens. They make not even allow necklaces that stand for other faiths into their country. People'S Republic Of China censors address and defines citizenship on a racialist basis; only Chinese tin go Chinese. Culturism esteems international diversity. These states have got a right to define, protect and advance their bulk cultures. Unlike what multiculturalists state you, we also have got a core culture. Some foreign cultural traits make not engage well with ours.

Multiculturalism's revealing us we have got no core civilization and to discourse one is racist, undermines our ability to protect and usher Horse Opera culture. Issues as ranging from in-migration to alcoholism, from poorness to instruction cannot be successfully addressed when we are not able to frankly and openly discourse cultural diversity. Calling those who desire to discourse diverseness racialist not only halts conversations, it frameworks issues in very unsafe ways. Multiculturalism's "celebrate diversity" motto makes not supply way and denies that Horse Opera states have got a history or peculiar culture. Calling ourselves culturists and discussing culturism can assist us safely guide, protect and advance Western culture.

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

DNC Caucus Chairs Call on McCain to Stop Advertising on Hate Site

WASHINGTON, April 4, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following
release was issued today by the Democratic National Committee: Even as he quoted Dr. St Martin Martin Luther King, Jr.'s words that "someone
must have got sense enough and morality enough to cut off the concatenation of hatred and
evil," Toilet McCain's ain political campaign ran advertisement on a website tally by a
Northern Old Dominion blogger "to subscribe up members for his
anti-illegal-immigrant organization" [Washington Post, 4/4/08; Toilet McCain
remarks, 4/4/08] McCain's political campaign is running streamer advertisements on the website
which includes stations blaming "illegal aliens" for the
"real estate meltdown" and sensationalizes "illegal foreigner crime." The blog
is credited with helping form populace sentiment in Prince William County,
Virginia, which have embraced policies to check down on illegal immigration. [Washington Post, 4/4/08] DNC Spanish American Caucus Chair Common Sage Martinez, Black Caucus Chair Virgie
Rollins, and Apia Caucus Chair Bel Leong-Hong issued the followers joint
statement career on Toilet McCain to halt advertisement on the hate-promoting
web site: "John McCain can't apologise for one error while making another of
the same ilk. As recently as 1994 Toilet McCain voted to cut off support for
the Committee promoting Dr. King's holiday, but today states he made 'a
mistake.' If McCain is truly sorry of those past actions, how can he
justify advertisement on a website that advances the same type of hatred and
division Dr. King gave his life to end?" To see a silver screen shot of the advertisement on the site, usage the followers link: Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee,
. This communicating is not authorized by any campaigner or candidate's

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